Cement instructions

Introductions on the cmtrs embedded language, the cmtc compiler and some examples will be presented at the tutorial.

Please read the documentation for the basic concepts and language usage.

Cement Example Contents

The examples are in Cement\crates\cmtc\examples directory.

We will demonstrate these examples * fir.rs Finite Impulse Response filter.

  • fn fir3_3() shows how to write an FIR with fixed length 3.

  • fn gen_fir() shows how to generate FIR with arbitrary length.

  • fn gen_fir_addertree() further implements the FIR with an adder tree, which demonstrates the use of #[gen_fn] to generate hardware recursively.

  • fn make_tb() demonstrates how to write a testbench in cmtrs.

  • gemm.rs General Matrix Multiplication

    • fn mac() A multiply-accumulate unit to be used in the GeMM example.

    • fn gemm() A GeMM unit with only one MAC, which is controlled by a three-level for loop FSM.

    • fn tb() A testbench for gemm.

  • gemm_unrolled.rs Unrolled gemm

    • fn mac() A multiply-accumulate unit to be used in the GeMM example.

    • fn gemm_unrolled() A GeMM unit with #factor MACs, the innermost loop is unrolled and the memories are partitioned.

    • fn tb() A testbench for gemm_unrolled.

Running Cement Examples

Steps to run an example

cd Cement
cargo run -p cmtc --example <name_of_example>


  • A generated System Verilog file at the root directory

  • A Khronos simulation environment in tb directory

Simulation with Khronos

After running an example

cd tb/<name_of_example>
make all


  • The executable will simulate the generated hardware, and prints the sim_print! messages in the testbench.